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Modern Distractions

Image by Adam Ellison

How could you use modern distractions to propel you to your goals? Modern life comes with its fair share of distractions. Like the ping of notifications or the glaring red dot of unread emails. Most apps and digital tools have been designed to grab and keep your attention. But how can you manage these distractions, and use the same techniques to achieve your goals?⠀

On the Monday Morning Club course, we explore ways to increase focus and use technology to create productive ways of working. Why not give some of these suggestions a try now?

🤫 Silence notifications when working: Put your phone on 'do not disturb' mode, set up an app blocker, or leave your phone in another room.⠀

🚨 Create your own notifications: Set calendar events to remind yourself of the important things - from deadlines to setting aside time to focus on one task (this is known as time-boxing).

💬 Reduce the need to reply: Use a to-do list app or project management tool (like Trello, Asana, Notion) and make your tasks clear and easy to act on. Then challenge the need to reply to emails and online comments which distract you from achieving your goals.

Adam Ellison

Adam Ellison

The founder and course mentor at The Monday Morning Club

This article was updated on March 9, 2023