The Mindful Check-In

It doesn't matter who you are or where you are at in your career, every process includes moments of self-doubt. Firstly, this worry is ok, normal, and something that can be worked through. Try this exercise put together by People At Heart Coaching for the MMC course, called 'the mindful check-in'.
- Find somewhere you’ll be able to sit comfortably with your eyes closed.
- With your eyes closed, practice taking a few deep breaths. Breathing in while counting to 4, and then out counting to 6.
- This time when you close your eyes, ask and answer the following questions (Don’t worry you can open your eyes to read them again).
Ask yourself:
• What are you feeling in your body?
• What are you thinking about?
• What emotions are you feeling? - Note down what comes up to create the space needed to see these thoughts and feelings objectively.
Consider making this exercise part of your daily or weekly routine to become more self-aware and begin to manage your emotions alongside your work.

Adam Ellison
The founder and course mentor at The Monday Morning Club